Field Dimensions:
Bases at 60 ft
Mound at 46 ft
Time Limit:
1 hr & 30 mins or maximum of 6 innings
Championship Games
For all ages, there will be no time limit on championship games.
Mercy rules will remain in effect (see below under "Mercy Rules")
Teams need to be prepared to play 15 minutes before their scheduled game time.
TEAM CHECK IN: Rosters will be submitted in advance. All players must be approved online to be eligible.
Line-Up: must be presented to Umpire at home plate meeting.
Substitutions need to be reported to Umpire.
ISA provides each team with 3 free coach entries per tournament. We strongly encourage only 3 coaches be in the dugout. We reserved the right to limit the number of coaches in the dugout if deemed necessary.
Player Eligibility
A player is only eligible to play for 1 team per TOURNAMENT INSTANCE. Players can compete in multiple age groups on a given weekend, if also in separate TOURNAMENT INSTANCE.
A 15u athlete CAN compete on a 15u roster in a 15u event and on an 16u roster in an 16u event
A 15u athlete CANNOT compete on a 15u roster and 16u roster if the event is a 15u/16u combined event.
Players must be age and/or grade eligible to do this.
A player must be on an approved roster prior to the first game of the event to be eligible to play.
Players may not be added after the tournament has started.
Exception may be made if, due to injuries, a roster falls to 8 or less players.
Any added players must be approved by Tournament Director/Host before next game.
Age Restrictions ​
Your age is determined by the May 1st date of that year and your high school graduation year.
If the team is found with an illegal player due to incorrect report of that players age or grade, that team will be DISQUALIFIED from the tournament and will forfeit all games. (6-0 for 6 inning games, 7-0 for 7 inning games)
Coin Flip
In pool play, the home team is determined by a coin flip. Higher seed will determine home/away during tournament play. The home team will be the official book and will record game start time when announced by umpire.
Tie Breaker and Advancement Rules ​
Within Pool
Record (win percentage)
Head-to-head (does not apply with 3 or more teams tied)
Runs allowed
Runs scored
Coin flip
Pool winners will always be the higher seed than a non-pool winner. From there all wild card teams will be determined based on the rules below:
(After pool winners, pool seed will have no bearing on who advances, i.e., a 2-0 team who finishes 2nd in their pool will be seeded behind a 1-1 team who wins their pool.)
Record (win percentage)
Runs allowed
Runs scored
Coin Flip
In bracket play, better seed is required to be the home team.
In-Game Tie Breaker/Extra Inning Procedure
1st Extra Inning
Normal rules
2nd/3rd Extra Innings
California Rule: Last batted out on 2nd base, 1 out, 1-1 count to every batter.
4th and beyond Extra Innings
Texas Tie Breaker:
Last batted out on 1st base \
Next batted out on 2nd base
Next batted out on 3rd base
1 out, 1-1 count to every batter
Mercy Rules
15 runs after 3 innings
10 Runs after 4 innings
8 Runs after 5 innings
In bracket play, mercy rules will remain in effect, including championship game
Courtesy Runner
Courtesy runner is OPTIONAL for pitcher catcher at any time. The courtesy runner must be a legal sub or the last batted out if you are batting a continuous lineup.
Courtesy runner for the catcher with 2 outs is encouraged for pace of play, but not mandatory.
If an incorrect courtesy runner is discovered the offending team must put the correct courtesy runner on base. The original runner may NOT return.
General Rules
Intentional Walks: 
Head Coach needs to inform the umpire of the intentional walk and the hitter will be awarded first base
Is legal for 14u and older ONLY
Headfirst sliding: 
into any base is legal
Balks will be live
3rd to 1st Pick-off move is ILLEGAL
Force Play Slide Rule:
Runners are required to slide or veer out of the way to avoid contact when they are a part of a force play
Number of Players: 
A game can start with 8 or more players. However, if a team drops to 7 or less, the game will be automatic forfeit
Warm up Pitches:
7 Pitches Maximum between innings unless granted more by umpire.
Must wear a mask to warmup a pitcher pregame or between innings.
Please have a warmup catcher ready in the event the current catcher isn’t ready.
Lengthy delay waiting on a warmup catcher can result in losing between inning warmup pitches.
Batting Lineups
Hit 9 hitters with a DH or no DH.
Hit 10 with one EH and with or without a DH
Hit 11 with one EH, one XH, and with or without a DH
Hit a continuous lineup with free substitution. See ejections and injuries rules to see what happens when losing a player.
Once a player is subbed from the mound, they may NOT return to pitch in the same game.
You follow high school substitution rules.
Maximum of 2 Hitters at a time swinging bats (on-field) between innings.
Ejections ​
If a coach is ejected:
They will be suspended for the rest of that game and the teams next played game if determined by the tournament Director/Host. If a coach is ejected from a game, he is ejected from the park and must exit the tournament grounds. If coach chooses to remain in park his team will be rewarded a forfeit loss determined by tournament Director/Host.
If a player is ejected:
The player shall be suspended for the remainder of the game.  If the team has no substitute, the player will remain in batting order and his/her team will be forced to take an out. If it is deemed to be malicious contact, or if the player performed in act with intent to injure the penalty will be determined by the tournament Director/Host.
If a team has no substitutes and a player gets injured and cannot continue to play, his spot in the batting order will be skipped with no penalty. Once a player’s spot in the batting order is skipped, the player is out for the remainder of the game and cannot come back into play.
Complete Games and Extra Innings
If rain or weather suspends a game.
4 (3 1/2 innings if home team is winning) innings will be considered a complete game in a 6-inning game
5 (4 1/2 innings if home team is winning) innings will be considered a complete game in a 7-inning game
If a game is tied after 6/7 innings the game will end in a tie even if time remains on time limit.
Forfeit Ruling
13u and Older
If a team forfeits a game, it will be scored 7-0
12u and Younger
If a team forfeits a game, it will be scored 6-0
Tournament Director can amend forfeit scoring
A Forfeiting team cannot participate in bracket play
Forfeits cannot better the seed for the forfeiting team
IMPACT EVENTS has the authority to amend any of these rules due to weather or other unforeseen circumstance
Pitch Rules/Guidelines
Use common sense, arm care should be the priority.
Recommendation, not mandatory: No pitching in multiple games per day
USA PITCH SMART GUIDLINES: ISA will not police these, they are simply guidelines to reference.
Bat Rules
7u to 12u, there will be bat restrictions to BPF 1.15
13u BPF 1.15 or BBCOR.  Max Difference of Drop 8
14u BPF 1.15 or BBCOR Max Difference of Drop 5
14u (Showcase) BBCOR
15u-18u BBCOR or Wood
Metal or wood will be determined in tournament description.
You may NOT use a wood bat unless specifically stated.
Illegal Bat Penalty:
It is the responsibility of each team’s head coach to monitor bats that are in play. If a player uses an illegal bat. The umpire must be notified prior to the first pitch of the next batter or before all defensive players leave fair territory.
If the bat is found illegal, the batter will be ruled out and runners will not be allowed to advance.
Protest Rules
Protests are only available for a violation or misapplication of rules, not for disagreement with an umpire’s judgement call.
You cannot protest an umpire’s interpretation of a play.
You cannot protest (Not limited to these items)
Balls and Strikes
Out and Safe Calls
Balk Calls
Obstruction Calls
Judgement calls by an umpire are not grounds for protest.
Protest Process
How to initiate a protest
Stop the Game. If a pitch is thrown the protest is null and void.
Do not argue with the umpire, ask to speak with tournament director, and tell them you would like to protest.
Present your $100.00 non-refundable* cash payment to site leader. (*$100 refund will be issued if protest is upheld.)
What can you protest?
Illegal Players
Illegal Bats