Game Time: 1 hour 15 minutes, no new inning
10U Only - 1 hour 15 minutes, drop dead
Games can end in a tie
Courtesy runner is last out or last batter from previous inning
Pitchers Mound: 35’ for 10U, 40’ for 12U, 43’ for 14U
3 pitches between innings, 5 pitches for a new pitcher
No limit on innings pitched & no pitch number cap (still recommended to follow for player health)
​Lineups / Rosters
Flip for home / away before every game
Line ups should be exchanged at least 15 minutes before each game
You can bat your entire roster, just let the other team know ahead of time. If you do not bat the roster, you must substitute properly.
Run Rules
Maximum of 6 runs per inning
Uncapped runs in last inning by umpire discretion​
We will use ASA rules for all other rules.
10U Only:
Maximum of 5 runs per inning
Only one walk an inning, after that, it will be coach pitch
Stealing 2nd and 3rd, no stealing home or taking home on passed ball
Can leave base when ball crosses plate
*If you want to practice other rules (in preparation for a tournament, talk to the other coaches prior to game.)